According to the amendments to art. 5 of Legislative Decree 22 January 2004, n. 42 (Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, “Code of cultural heritage and landscape”), introduced by Legislative Decree 19 June 2015 n. 78 and confirmed in the Ministry Decree 44 of 23 January 2016 (Article 5), the functions connected to the surveillance and protection of non-state books are now under the jurisdiction of the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendencies.

These handle the whole procedure relating to the protection of library assets, starting from preliminary activity to the adoption of the final provision, under the coordination of the Direzione generale Biblioteche e Diritto d’Autore (Directorate General for Libraries and Copyright).

In particular, the Superintendencies arrange:

≈ to verify and declare the exceptional cultural interest of book collections which belong to private owners or the rarity and value of manuscripts, autographs, correspondence, incunabula, books, prints, engravings with matrices which belong to private owners (art. 13-15 of the Code);

≈ to carry out inspections for the purpose of verifying the existence and state of conservation or custody of bibliographic assets (art. 19), as well as the suitability of locations, equipment and machinery systems allocated to the conservation of private and public collections declared of exceptional cultural interest;

≈ to authorize the movement, even temporary, of bibliographic assets (art. 21, clause 1, letter b), except for what is established by clause 1 of the art. 21, and to grant the authorizations required by law for the transfer notification (art. 59);

≈ to authorize the scrap of bibliographic material (art. 21, clause 1, letter d);

≈ to authorize the execution of works of any type, after the presentation of a specific project, including authorizations for cataloguing, digitization or restoration projects relating to books collections, verifying the credentials of the experts and giving, if needed, binding instructions to execute the project (art. 21 and 31-33);

≈ to propose to the Direzione generale Biblioteche e diritto d’autore (General Directorate for Libraries and Copyright) coactive custody of the library assets which have a verified risk of being dispersed or destroyed (art. 43);

≈ to issue the prior clearance for the transfer and the loan of library assets for exhibitions and cultural events within the national territory (art. 48);

≈ to express proposals to exercise the right of first refusal (art. 60-62);

≈ to check the antiques trade, in the circumstance of auctions, market shows, local antiques markets (art. 63), with contexual checks, inside catalogues or onsite, of the bibligraphic assets that could be declared of cultural interest;

≈ to take urgent measures to safeguard the bibliographic heritage subject to protection in the event of natural disasters;

≈ to work together with the Nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Culturale dei Carabinieri (Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection Unit), possibly issuing technical advices, and the Customs Offices;

≈ to carry out the functions of the Export Office following the D.P.C.M. 2 December 2019, n. 169 (“Organization Regulations of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, the offices of direct collaboration with the Minister and the independent Performance Assessment Body”).

This section therefore contains all the information relating to the activities under the responsibility of the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendency of Liguria regarding the bibliographic field. For any other information, please refer to the site of the Direzione generale Biblioteche e Diritto d’autore (Directorate General for Libraries and Copyright).

Ultima revisione pagina web: 14 gennaio 2021