The Superintendency activities connected to the surveillance functions are aimed
to guarantee:
- the protection of the assets whose custody is given to the Superintendency;
- their protection and conservation;
- to monitor their circulation in Italy and abroad.
The Superintendency carries out many activities linked to the archival heritage,
despite its limited human and financial resources and according to Legislative
Decree 22 January 2004, n. 42 (Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, “Code of
cultural heritage and landscape") and other regulations (more recently the D.P.C.M.
2 December 2019, n. 169 "Organization regulations of the Ministry for cultural
heritage and activities and for tourism, the offices of direct collaboration with the
Minister and the independent performance evaluation body “).
The tasks of the Superintendency are the following:
≈ to guarantee its presence on the regional district, visiting the archives that are supervised, carrying out reconnaissance and inspections, giving technical instructions to manage and safeguard archives heritage;
≈ to give support to draft intervention projects, to carry out conservation, to rearrange the management of documents, to implement the consultation regulations, to produce scrap proposals, to train the Institutions’ staff;
≈ to conduct a census of specific types of archives, to facilitate to reconnaissance, rearrangement and the inventory of archives, and to publish consultation tools;
≈ to contribute and to organize events such as conferences, seminars, exhibitions, presentations;
≈ to monitor the document trade;
≈ to carry out the functions of the Export Office for the temporary or permanent exit from abroad or the entry into Italy of documents and archives under surveillance;
≈ to identify and recognize archives and documents that could be considered cultural assets, adopting a preliminary activity and issuing the declaration of particularly important historical interest (in relation to private archives).
Concerning the protection of the archives, the Superintendency carries out the following activities:
≈ to check the observance of the obligations of saving, organizing, consulting of the documents;
≈ to approve the reorganization, inventory, transfer, restorative measures, scrap interventions;
≈ to declare that authorized reorganization, inventorying, cataloguing or restoring could be admitted to Government contributions, for which the Superintendency must prepare the needed documents for them;
≈ to authorize the consultation of private archives declared of particularly important historical interest;
≈ to offer advice on requests concerning the organization, conservation, reorganization and inventory of protected archives;
≈ to prepare the documents for the donation, deposit, commodatum of non-state archives to the State Archives;
≈ to surveil the trade of antique and rare documents.
Finally, the Superintendency, depending on the received funding, carries out census, reorganization and inventoring of non-state archives.
This section therefore contains all the information relating to the activities under the responsibility of the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendency of Liguria regarding to the archival field. For any other information, please refer to the site of the Direzione generale Archivi (Directorate General for Archives).
Ultima revisione pagina web: 28 dicembre 2020